Open day LIDO


8:00-8:30 AM Registration in front of the Aula Magna

8:30-9:00 AM Welcome by Michael Oberhuber, director Laimburg Research Centre and introduction by Walter Guerra, coordinator LIDO

9:00-10:00 AM Short presentation of participating partners (in alphabetical order and in the own mother tongue):

  1. Alperia Smart Services
  2. Bluetentacles
  3. Eurac Research, Center for Sensing Solutions
  4. Feldfühler
  5. Finapp
  6. FloraPulse
  7. FylloClip
  8. likeM13
  9. IMKO Micromodultechnik, Endress+Hauser Group
  10. ODIS
  11. Prospecto
  12. Spherag, Nextfarming (F&R Beregnungsbau)
  13. WiseConn

10:00-12:00 AM Demonstration and discussion in the outdoor lab LIDO Apple orchard

Registration required: Open Day LIDO

Place: Research Centre Laimburg, Auditorium
Date: 10.10.2023
Time: 8:30 AM – 12:00 PM